Healing from anxiety


Cures for Anxiety?

Anxiety is one of those things that we are taught is something that is not easily gotten rid of. We are led to believe that it’s an arduous mystery that needs to be unraveled. Most of the time, doctors and therapists present medication as the only option to help us cope/manage the feelings. But when you think about this, the medication only masks the anxiety and never fixes the problem. So you end up never getting real help and carrying the problem for too long.

Alternative Treatment for Anxiety

So what’s the alternative? Hypnosis provides a method to remove anxiety from the mind once and for all. This is possible because anxiety isn’t something that comes out of nowhere; it's a learned behavior that was acquired sometime in your early days when your mind was just developing. For example, when you’re young and experience the first day of school, filled with anxiety about meeting new people and the unknown. Spontaneously in that moment, this  experience is recorded in the subconscious with an anxious feeling. Now that it’s stored there, your adult mind keeps referring to it as a useful piece of information: new experiences equal anxiety. Subsequently, when a similar situation shows up, like meeting new people or doing something for the first time, you feel anxious about it, and you don’t know why. 

A Natural Way to Stop Anxiety

What’s happening is your adult mind is just referring to its stored information, and if that information has an anxiety component, you will respond anxiously.   But with hypnosis you can shift your initial perception of that experience from your youth and release that piece of programming your brain held on to. In trance during hypnosis, we can go back to the moment that you learned the behavior and change your perception of it taking the anxious feeling out of it. The result is when you meet new people or find yourself in a new situation you will no longer feel anxious.

This works for a variety of anxiety triggers that you may not even know your brain picked up along the way.  Discovering the starting point, and removing the negative emotional charge associated with them, helps you live anxiety free.

Reach out today if you want to know more and to find out if you are a good candidate for this life changing process. Safe, socially distant in-person or online appointments available.