Why do Problems Show up in Archery?

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Why do problems in archery show up? You may be having a really good archery season, and then everything derails. Out of nowhere comes a problem. You may start punching your release, a slight hesitation emerges, or you find yourself suffering from a loss in focus.  When this happens, it's not Murphy’s Law. Most likely it is a familiar pattern or circumstance that triggers something the subconscious recognizes as a problem. This pattern connects with a situation or event that happened somewhere in your early days. This pattern that is revealed generally reveals a challenge you need to face. The subconscious wants to evolve and help you, so it takes this opportunity to fix the problem. 

This means that we are not victims of these random patterns and situations that show up. These problems are opportunities for us to take the next step in our archery evolution. Don’t look at them as a roadblock. If you see them in this new framework as an opportunity for growth, they won’t stop you or hold you back. Look at them as clues to the big mystery that mystery that is you.You are intricate and complex being, far more exquisite and detailed than you may currently know. Hypnosis offers a great method to look into this robust framework that makes you do what you do and behave the way you do.  Hypnosis lets you explore who you are as well as where you want to be.

Other systems out there view these situations as problems that need to be managed, teaching you tools and tricks to live with the issue. Hypnosis instead offers solutions to these situations by eliminating them where they live in the mind, eliminating the need for the constant management or further struggle. 

Even the word management implies work the word even feels heavy.  We all know the perfect shot has nothing to do with work. The perfect shot that we have all experienced is effortless. When it happens, we are often surprised, and at the same time, we just enjoy the feeling of being in the flow. To me, this is what it’s all about: creating a moment. Not doing all kinds of laborious work to maybe get the result occasionally. Through Hypnosis once the subconscious is cleaned up and free of all self-imposed obstacles, your shot becomes much easier and more repeatable. This is the hypnotic advantage.

Once the debris is no longer there, you can perform at a much higher level using much less effort. This frees you up to refocus that extra energy back into your shot, which opens new levels of performance.

Call 732-406-3498 for a consultation or to set-up an appointment either in person or online.